EMOM  (Every Minute on the Minute) Workout

EMOM (Every Minute on the Minute) Workout

Workout Notes
Circuit 1 – 20 Minutes
Complete 8-10 repetitions for each exercise and then take the rest of the minute to rest. You will be completing 4 rounds in 20 minutes. If possible, no rest between rounds.

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EMOM  (Every Minute on the Minute) Workout
  • Inch Worm to Pushups

    Starting from a standing position, place your hands down on the ground, keeping your legs as straight as possible. Then walk your hands out to move into a plank position and do a push-up.
    Keep your core engaged and make sure your body moves in one straight line. Do not sag your hips. Beginners ca...

  • Forward Lunge Rows to Tricep Extensions

    Start off by standing up straight with your feet slightly closer than hip width apart holding a single dumbbell. Lunge forward with one leg by bending at your hips and keeping the back leg straight. Bring the dumbbell up to chest level with elbow tucked in and then extend the arm as far back as p...

  • Side Lunge to Fly

    Start with feet slightly closer than hip width apart holding a single dumbbell. Step opposite leg into side lunge and raise the arm out to shoulder height palms down, and a slight bend in your elbow. Lower the arm and come back to standing.


  • Standing DB Crunches

    Start in a low lunge position (or split stance) with left knee bent, right leg straight behind you, and dumbbell extended overhead. Hinge forward slightly at hips, so chest is over left thigh.
    Use your core to lift right knee toward chest and allow arms to lower, bringing the dumbbell closer to t...

  • Wall Sit Hammer Curls

    Stand with your back against the wall and hold one dumbbell in each hand, with your palms facing away from you. Walk your feet out away from the wall and slide your back down the wall so that your legs are shoulder-width apart and your knees are bent at 90 degrees. Hold this position. Once you're...